Friday, April 13, 2012

Mike Schneider for Republican Committeeman in West Vincent Township

I have been a resident of West Vincent Township since 1998 when my wife, Linda and I moved from Upper Uwchlan to our home here in West Vincent. We have been married for 13 years and have 2 children that attend school in the OJR School District.

My reason for running for Committeeman stems out of necessity. The necessity to do my part in returning the Republican Party back to a party that is fiscally responsible and devoted to the freedoms that were granted by our Constitution & Bill of Rights. My political views are very simple, I believe in personal freedom & personal responsibility. As Committeeman, if elected, I will do my part in choosing candidates that represent these two fundamental beliefs.

I was born and raised in the Great Valley area and have lived within a 30 mile radius my whole life. My first job was as a dishwasher at a diner in Paoli at the age of 12 and continued to work in the restaurant industry until 17. At 18, I started work for my father as a delivery driver and computer operator. From there I became a programmer and in 1987 purchased a majority share interest in the business. During the past 25 years I’ve been a small business owner providing computerized financial services to the Nursing Home Industry.

Being self employed or just getting older has had an effect on my political views. When I was a young adult, I was more inclined to give up a little personal freedom in return for less personal responsibility, I now see that as unacceptable.

I ask for your vote so that we can make a difference in the candidates that are endorsed for political office.

"Missy" Bertolami for Republican Committeewoman in West Vincent Township

Melissa “Missy” Bertolami is an Incumbent Committeewoman in West Vincent Area 2 (for those that vote at the Ludwigs Corner Fire Hall). She has been a resident of West Vincent Township since 1995 when she and her husband, Mike, bought and renovated a West Vincent historic home. They have been married for over 17 years and have 3 children that attend school in the OJR School District. During the last 12 years her children have attended school, Missy has volunteered extensively in their classrooms. She is also a member of the OJR Parent Teacher Association and a lifelong Republican.

Being a Republican Committee woman is something that is very important to her. The Republican Party needs Committee people to act as a liaison between the voter and the Republican Party. This is how the Republican Party knows what its voters consider important issues. Committee people are the ones that vote to endorse specific candidates and they do so by listening to the voters. The Committee people of a party are the very foundation of the political process. They are your voice to the party that best represents the voter’s views.

For more than a decade, the residents of West Vincent never received information on the Republican candidates before Election Day. That all changed after she was elected. While she is only responsible for campaign literature getting delivered in District 2, the Republican Party allowed her to deliver into District 1 (held by David Brown and Susan Miller) after it was discovered that no literature was distributed in that area.

Missy Bertolami and her associate Committeeman Tom Helwig developed to inform the residents about candidates and other related information. This is rare for a Committeeperson to do. It is uncompensated and takes time, just like the rest of the job.

That is why you should vote for “Missy” Bertolami on April 24. She cares about getting the best candidates selected and wants your opinion. And your opinion makes for better candidate endorsements. Trust Missy Bertolami to get your voice heard.

A Note from Tom Helwig, Current Committeeman

West Vincent Republicans, I would like to thank all of you for voting for me two years ago. As many of you know, I believe that the there is right and wrong and will call out any politician at anytime I see wrongdoing,  including Republicans. It hasn't made me the most popular person in the Party, but in the end, what I have done helps the Republicans. Rather than ignore, it is better to call out  people that are doing questionable actions to weed them out. Some believe that  it is better to just leave well enough alone, only to find a bigger problem down the road, usually including bad press!  I couldn't disagree more. This is what has given Politics and Politicians such a bad name. The less Politicians do questionable things, the better our entire country looks.  

While I could technically run again, I do not feel it is proper to seek another term. I am many thousands of miles away right now, working to keep the world a secure place and do not feel I could represent the Republicans of West Vincent properly. I worked to find an outstanding replacement that would carry the same beliefs as myself and I believe that Mike Schneider is the man for the job. He is a true Conservative Republican  and I ask you to give him your support to continue what I have started in West Vincent Township and Chester County.

Missy Bertolami has been a strong Committeewoman and I am honored to work with her. She would not shirk from protecting the West Vincent Republicans when it was discovered that there was an issue altering the balance of power within the group of West Vincent Republican Committee people. That change left one male member with a more powerful vote than the other three Committee people.  She fought for several months until the Chester County Republican Committee repaired what had been intentionally altered. Please give her your vote and support. She cares that all Republicans are fairly represented and HEARD.


Q&A's About This Year's Election

We have attached the West Vincent Republican Ballot for our District (1). We have attached some Q&A since the Primary Election had a little wrinkle put into it because of a Court challenge.

There was NO Chester County Republican Convention this year. Why?
Every Ten (10) years, after the US Census, there is a requirement to review all districts and adjust them so that all areas of the state are properly represented. Due to a court challenge of the re-redistricting boundaries, the Convention was postponed to await a decision. Too much time passed in waiting for a decision to have the Convention and endorsement process, so the Convention never took place.

What is the purpose of re-districting?
There are changes in population and a District may have more or less population than it had in the previous 10 years. This attempts to balance the districts amount of population so they are all fairly represented.

How does this affect the voter?
The District boundaries have not changed, so the boundaries will stay the same until further notice. The real issue is the lack of endorsement of local candidates such as choices for Representative and Delegate candidates by the Republican Committee.

How does the endorsement process work?
Simplified, the Committee people from the entire county come together and vote for who they feel best represents the Republican Party for each position. Those chosen become the people that have the word "Endorsed" on their literature and signs.

What if INCUMBENT Committee People are giving SAMPLE ballots with highlighted names?
If they are endorsing local candidates, that is on their own. This is a gross misrepresentation since the Chester County Republican Party did no Endorsements for Representative or Delegates. Instead, those Committee people are attempting to influence you to vote for their choices, instead of presenting the collective choice of the Republican Party. The only exception is local Committee People which are never endorsed so they can be recommended locally.  

Furthermore, the County Republican Party does not endorse Presidential Candidates. As an example of this misuse one of the endorsements, the District 1 Incumbent Committeeman is promoting is Rick Santorum. While on the ballot, Rick Santorum is no longer a candidate  for the Presidential election. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012



WE BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.
WE BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.
WE BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.
WE BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.
WE BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is that which governs least.
WE BELIEVE most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.
WE BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.
WE BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

FINALLY, WE BELIEVE the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful government.